15 years ago
Altona (ghost town)
Pickering, Ontario
Pickering, Ontario
Pickering, Ontario
Pickering, Ontario
Pickering, Ontario
Pickering, Ontario
Recent status | Demolished |
Location # | 5154 |
"With every passing week, more and more homes are vacated, as the government expropriates home owner's land with plans to destroy these family homes and farms to make way for the new 407 highway extension.
After exploring The Beauty & The Beast, which opened this 407 series, we continued on our mission of documenting these expropriated homes. Our next stop was the Beautiful Batty Baldwin House.
Demolished in early May of 2013."
-jerm IX
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Ya beautiful house...i would pull a bugs bunny and make them build around my rabbit hole lol
Very nice house!! Love that style of house. Wish they could save them and route the hwy elsewehere.
Great find and excellent pics! The place is in decent condition. Cheers, -TSR
It's like walking into a church and stealing the holy water in a bottle from there lol.
That sucks those were taken :( Who would take that?! Honestly haha... "Ya, I have some spare holy water sitting around"
What throws me off if that the are intacted. Dallas was telling me the owegi board. Yea I don't how to spell it was gone and the holy water is gone. It would have been nice to see those.
Awesome house & find but far too clean for my liking. I thrive on decay! :)
I hate how they force people out of there homes to make a stupid subdivison or expand the highway! Build AROUND it!
good find Dallas, I did notice this place when I was in the area the other day! Such a stunning home!
Also, yes, this looks like a nice location! I would like to see your interior pics when you go back, Dallas.
12 years ago
Great find, looks like its ready to move in...