Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Hidden Ruin by Chippawa Creek

Historic Location Foundations in Thorold, Ontario, Canada

Jul 29 2012

 |  2619
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Recent status Historic Location
Location # 5129

Google Earth's Imagery Date feature (lower left-hand corner) is worth investigating if you have not clicked on it recently. Many years worth of overlays have been added. The Niagara Peninsula is lucky enough to have aerial photos from 1934 included. Sadly this does not seem true for the rest of Ontario.

Using this feature brings about a whole new way of finding obscure ruins: by first searching for where original buildings stood and then advancing the overlay forward to see if anything remains today.

This method was used to find this ruin along the banks of the Chippawa Creek. No history could be found, but the proximity to Cytec (chemical plant) and the strange reddish patch of bare, lateritic soil in photo #4 hint that this place may have played a part in the beginnings of the chemical industry here in Niagara.

"Fight the good fight - include map coordinates in all locations!"


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12 years ago

hey I visited that site !!!! not a bad find after thoughly going over the area and examining the artifacts I came to the conclusion It was a big Kiln in the 1880-1900 ,the Creek was part of the 1st canal they manufactured Porcelin there..... I looked on line for any info but very scarce..... Excellant directions !!!


12 years ago

Also, I am of the belief that raised foundations with doorways and window spaces, etc. are of interest enough to post. I think what OAP meant by no foundations was literally no "rectangle concrete pads". I may be wrong - consider posting them on a case-by-case basis depending on what you find at the site and any history you can include in the description.


12 years ago

They were all just dark twilight shots with the exposure cranked up and a tripod for clarity. I went at 8:30 pm hoping to get some nice sunset photos with the walls, but the foundation was completely engulfed in deep brush. I could not get a distance shot at all. I was there for an hour; it just seems longer playing with light in the photos.


12 years ago

Just noticed pic's are from day to night you stay there that long?


12 years ago

Hey that's cool ground! great pic's . I found a old Quaker house the same way dating back to 1788 I didn't post because they say no fondations but it is historical . Thats weird how the google date thing works just here in Niagara but its really cool. I'll post my stuff later.