Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Highpoint Of The Day

Abandoned House in Caledon, Ontario, Canada

Jul 16 2012

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Recent status Abandoned
Location # 5061

Nice old all brick home. Don't know any history on it. Some vandalism and a little graffiti. Plumbing and wiring had been updated recently. Old stone well and silo and creepy looking tree swing out back...and a nice view of a creek.


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1 year ago

Would be interesting to see a new album of this place with the mcgregor clan flag, renovation and all lmao


1 year ago

Has anyone read the ridiculous comment on the latest album stating "McGregor Clan, Soverign Maroons" acquired this property? No, they didn't buy it, they just took it over.....


5 years ago

Hey angbonate,I seen your video and your right,the place is unsafe.Me and a friend went there roughly a month ago,and not only did I step on a nail,I fell down onto a long board with several nail''s and it ripped a chunk of skin off my knee,but I was determind to see the inside,until I fell threw the main floor lol,my buddy started laughing and said,why are you down there,so I told him,I felt like checking out the basement first so he kept laughing,so ya,eventually I did see the entire place.So


6 years ago

Went here not too long ago, made a pretty cool video out of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjvQ0ookJ3Y


10 years ago

Out of the three locations I visited this past weekend this one was my favourite. The driveway is still drivable and makes for great camouflage, I spent well over an hour here without being bothered. There is a bit of graffiti on the top floor but the house is still beautiful and solid. The swing is still there nothing in the basement but be warned there may be asbestos, photos will follow later.


12 years ago

I really hope so, I wasn't as brave as I usually am today...I'm a little embarressed about my exit, haha.


12 years ago

lol....likely a raccoon unless it sounded real big then a coyote, but probly a raccoon. Porcupines make a little clicking sound


12 years ago

Went to this location today, spent some time taking pictures but once we got around to the basement and turned on the flashlight we heard heavy breathing and then movement. Not exactlly sure what it was, we made a mad dash out of there. Pics to follow.


12 years ago

Good Shots Biggie Pauls!


12 years ago

Wow, it has deteriorated quickly. Is seems to have been occupied in September of 2009 when the Google Steetview image was taken


12 years ago

Cool find, will definitely check it out in the future.


12 years ago

Daughter said the stone well reminds her of the movie 'The Ring' where a young girl comes crawling out of it lol


12 years ago

Nice pic of the swing very creepy