Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Old Bowen Road Farm

Demolished House in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

Jun 27 2012

 |  1159
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 4978

A typical rurex farm ruin, with a few different structures on the property. Surrounded by plenty of green space and lots of long grass, making for a relatively easy approach on foot.

House and farm were condemned and all entry points were ordered secured by the City of Fort Erie in 2007. A new owner submitted the property for Heritage Status to the City of Fort Erie. It was declined as having no significant importance in 2011.

*Update it was demo'd last week April 2014


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12 years ago

Nice to see that not much has changed here - in a good way!! Doesn't look like any further vandalism has taken place.


12 years ago

Oh! so i see you found this place already .Well your going to get my pic's weather you like it or not.......lol.


12 years ago

This place is amazing!!