Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places


Demolished House in Perth East, Ontario, Canada

May 28 2012

 |  645
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 4844

Time hasn't been so bad on this house yet. Very solid and no nasty smells, just those green garage doors. On a corner lot, out in the open, seems to be good security so far. A few barns that look used and so I didnt check them out. Lots of stuff in the garage, behind the green door ! [ anyone remember that movie? :) ], to take pictures of and check out. Overgrown lawn.


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6 years ago

The house is gone, looks like the barn is still standing.


12 years ago

beautiful brick work!


12 years ago

@ground state yes it does & thanks bud, ! PM me an email if you want it.


12 years ago

Great sunset shots with the barns - must look gorgeous in high resolution.


12 years ago

@photocbear, lol, good , ya its just the roll of the dice, to get one at dusk unless you plan for that. I started out early and didn't find my first stiff until the afternoon.... and the bugs YA ! I had to mark a few for 'later' or I would be a meal.


12 years ago

totally remember the movie! and what a find, I love shooting houses at dusk, minus the bug part :-)