Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Big Red

Demolished House in Milton, Ontario, Canada

Jan 29 2012

 |  365
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 3986

Huge house with a very flooded basement. Almost up to the ceiling. Pretty vacant minus the crying walls, church pew, and racecar bed. I know of someone who used to live there and she said it had some pretty serious problems going on even when they lived there 8 years ago. Mostly problems with the basement flooding.

Info by eprahshteb

Rellit.Noskaj: This location is an old farmhouse just off the side of fifth line. The place is pretty much falling apart there is holes in the roof, the ceiling is falling off and there are multiple holes in the floor. Enter at your own risk! On a funnier note, they seem to have left behind a racecar frame for a bed so if anyone is interested you know where to get one ;).


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7 months ago

This house is demolished


11 years ago

I liked this place.


11 years ago

Very hard to breathe in here. And not very many good photo opportunities


11 years ago

Stopped here this morning after seeing a door wide open from the road. The place is full of black mold! Extremely bad air inside. Wear a good mask or think twice. Basement is one big ice cube. Barn has been demolished.


12 years ago

That sucks RnR!! It was a nice house...


12 years ago

I tried checking this place out yesterday, it's now surrounded by a flimsy orange fence that is easy to step over....however whomever is trying to demo or restore it has blocked any POE's :( Big Bummer


12 years ago

This post should actually be under Milton, not Oakville


13 years ago

Haha ya, I thought my lens was dirty too, I even said to Dave, wow my lens is super dirty... But I don't think it's the case, like Dave said. But thanks! Lol


13 years ago

@Rid... the spots are in a different place in every shot. I don't think it's the lens and definitely not the sensor. I think it's just from the bright light and HDR. That and the paranormal.


13 years ago

Adriana, you may want to clean your lens. I see a lot of spots, but since this is an abandoned house it's probably orbs!!!! But yeah..hopefully it's only the lens & not the sensor.


13 years ago

I just took a look at my pictures, in the one of mine, the leg of the chair looks bloody by that area too... weird.


13 years ago

Didn't notice when there, but yeah, that's what it looks like.


13 years ago

Great set Doom! The carpet looks bloody to the left of the car bed lol. Never noticed that before...


13 years ago

Ohhh haha thanks sQualie. I guess I'd be able to use that nickname too if only I had red hair hahah.


13 years ago

Lol! 6' tall and red hair ;)


13 years ago

Hahah oh? Thanks Big Red! I won't ask how you got that name lol


13 years ago

Great shots here "Adriana"! Btw - When I'm not roaming around as "Vitalfilms" I am also known as "Big Red"


13 years ago

@don- I love that border too! It was my fave room @alpha- I know!!! Who would leave behind a car bed?!?! Lol @skye_ann- I know eh! Me too... I was surprised..


13 years ago

love the boarder in the green room. would look great in a light blue bathroom


13 years ago

Great place. Even in it's mostly empty state, it's still interesting. Great colors!


13 years ago

Thanks! Still adding some more..


13 years ago

nice shots. the location looks amazing.


13 years ago

I'm working on them ;)