Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Church St. Scotland

Abandoned House in Brant, Ontario, Canada

Jan 12 2012

 |  2521
 |  3
Recent status Abandoned
Location # 3824

This place has been vacated for a while and is in rough shape. It's pretty exposed and easily seen from the street and passersby.

Info from drybsmt APR '14: When I walked up to this location, a car pulled up and said to stay off the property as it was very dangerous. I asked if this was his property and he said no it was his parents but they were not home. He was in a hurry but I gave him my card and asked if he could give it to his parents so they could call me. He said if I did not here from them, I could drop by to see them and he pointed to their house across the street. Last house on the south side. He drove away and we stayed to shoot. There are no signs and there has been no effort to restrict entrance. There is also a barn out in the back but there was no time to go look. The next time I am there, I hope to be able to speak to the owner and get a little history.


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9 months ago

*UPDATE* as of 2024 the roof has completely fallen in (it fell in 2019) and the house next to it is also completely abandoned. Sadly I think the older woman who lived there has passed as she was residing there for years and kept it up, now its in complete disarray, sad to see. But back to this house, I'm just shocked that its even still standing. Went there a few weeks ago with my brother and was shocked to see. After digging online i found other pages showing the house and some of them said its been abandoned since the 80s-early 90s possibly. And the house is very old some speculate from the 1890s or so.


3 years ago

yeah, i actually live near here and its in way worse shape now like the whole roof is gone bruhh. One of my friends lives on the street and actually knows the old owner of it. The guy who you mentioned said not to go in cus its dangerous is the son of the owner, the owner a.k.a the old lady who lives beside usually stays in watching tv all day apparently so when u go exploring it make sure to go when shes busy with tv and not looking, but make sure ur properly dressed wearing long sleeves and pants, no shorts. learned that lesson after i got bit by 3 tics, literally being serious. Oh and, like u mentioned the barn if u go deeper in the property theres an abandoned village and pool.


10 years ago

Nice to see the early galleries, it's certainly in rougher shape now!


13 years ago

Pesky old ladies...at least she didn't throw cats at you?


13 years ago

Darn Sonic....Looked promising until 5 shots of the same door came up!! lol