Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Neglected Manor

Demolished House in London, Ontario, Canada

Jan 07 2012

 |  2479
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 3757

London Manor was the home of Robert J. Tyrrell (b. 1936, d. August 21, 2008) and his wife Mary Isabelle Wardrop (b. March 31, 1940).

The home featured a large swimming pool, two fire places and 5 bedrooms. The Tyrrell's raised three children in the home: Julie, Michael and Kathryn (Katie).

After Mr. Tyrrell passed away in 2008 his wife chose to sell the property.

The property that the Tyrrell's house was located on was designated as Multi-Famlly, Medium Density Residential. York Developments wanted to purchase the land and construct a Shoppers Drug Mart with second-floor office buildings. This construction would require a re-zoning of the property from Residential to Commercial Shopping Area. Without this re-zoning, the property would remain designated for residential purposes.

On January 16, 2009 London City Planning Staff approved the re-zoning but then on February 2, 2009 London City Council refused to make the necessary amendments and did not give their reasons for doing so.

Mary Tyrell and Sofco Properties appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. They presented four witnesses that argued the proposal was appropriate from an urban design perspective, future traffic in the area would not be adversely effected and that the land would not negatively affect existing Commercially zoned properties. The City of London was unwilling to undo the last 10 years they'd spent trying to satisfy the community.

Local residents expressed concerns about traffic and pedestrian safety issues. Of concern to many was the possibility of motorists potentially "cutting through" the property to avoid waiting at a red light.

One resident Tracy Q. wrote, "Mary and Bob Tyrell did not really ever make an investment in taking care of their house or property. Their grass is left uncut, their fencing is falling down, they have piles of junk sitting in plain view, etc."

On October 26, 2009 the appeal to the OMB was dismissed and the City of London's decision was upheld. (I contacted some of these neighbours for their input but none of them responded)

In 2011 Ali Soufan of York Developments again tried to have the zoning designation changed. York Developments wanted to change the maximum density of 75 units per hectare to 300 units per hectare. London City staff felt that the property was too small for a development of that size. Environmental assessments would need to be completed and road improvements would need to be made. London City staff recommended the project not be approved.

Katherine Munn representing the community residents requested that the application be rejected. Other residents expressed concerns about the need for a four-land highway before the building a 15-storey apartment building.

To demonstrate the traffic problems, one resident showed a video that he had taken of his wife trying to back out of the driveway on to Sunningdale. It took a long time to find an opening in traffic and it wasn?t even rush hour!

In November of 2011 York Developments applied to the City of London for approval to build a 113 unit apartment building, significantly smaller than previously discussed.

In February of 2012, York Developments received tentative approval for the construction of new housing. The building would consist of levels of 12 storeys, 10 storeys and three storeys, the latter in the form of attached townhouses facing Sunningdale.

The Tyrrell home was demolished in July of 2012.


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10 years ago

Such a beautiful house, would have been quite the property in it's day! So glad I got to see it while I did, one of my favorite spots hands down! Happy exploring folks!


10 years ago

I live about a block away from it, it was demolished in June 2013


11 years ago

Not a big loss in my opinion. Sure looked awesome from the exterior but such a beat interior.


11 years ago

Damn.....glad I got in when I did! Thanks for the update oh ay pee


12 years ago

Still there and wide open.


12 years ago

yes I am sorry for that I got missinformed , was told it was demolished. So happy hunting everyone .


12 years ago

To confirm if anyone else is looking, I was here on Friday Nov 16 and it still stands.


12 years ago

It's still there as of November 13. I took a few photos. My first abandoned home. Loved it, even though I didn't explore as much as I would have liked too.


12 years ago

can anyone confirm if this place is indeed gone? I was thinking of shooting it on Friday since I will be in the area.


12 years ago

Word has it this place is gone now , to bad was a nice big place to explore .


12 years ago

I was there today. This place is going to hell really fast. Most of the windows on main floor are smashed and new holes upstairs. All the screens in the sun room are cut. That is more of a shame then it just being left to rot.


12 years ago

Saw this place yesterday. Was obviously an amazing estate in it's time but it doesn't look like much maintenance or any upgrades have been done since it was built probably 70 years ago or so. You certainly don't get to view an abandoned house of this size very often.


13 years ago

Lol now not only do we have to wory about wild animals and other dangers in abandoned places , now we have to look out for irate homless people to


13 years ago

So it seems it will be doom vs. the armed homeless guy at some point lol...I've not yet joined the ranks and masses who have visited. Riddim you're right, must be visitors every weekend since posted!


13 years ago

LOL...this place must have a constant stream of explorers visiting it!


13 years ago

Doom was there last Sunday the 15th. Easy to get into off Richmond Street. There is a circular driveway and my vehicle fit nicely behind the hedges. No one bothered us we spent probably close to 2 hrs there and got some nice shots of the neighbours horses too lol. It's a great location to be honest if Odet did not post this location I would not have pictured it as abandoned.


13 years ago

OK, latest visitors to this fine looking place...what's the status? any change? Same as before? Need to get here before something cataclysmic happens and I lose out!


13 years ago

It's definitely still there, I only visited last week. I would geuss that it is going to be demoed in the near future though, a shame since it's such a nice looking place!


13 years ago

yes sir it was I wasnt sure so decided better to wait for a more aprpriet time, better safe than getting yelled at lol.


13 years ago

without question, one of the coolest abandoned houses I have seen on this site. Well done. What a great looking explore.


13 years ago

When going to look at place use caution , neighbours right next door. Was going in today and decided to wait , car was in driveway & lady was there cleaning up front yard


13 years ago

The former owner had a few sweethearts based on the number of abandoned valentine chocolate boxes lol


13 years ago

what an awesome looking house, it's such a shame this place was abandoned!