Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

The Screaming Heads

Active Other in Ryerson, Ontario, Canada

Oct 23 2011

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Recent status Active
Location # 3403

The Screaming Heads is the project of Peter Camani, an art teacher at Almaguin Highlands Secondary School.
Peter has spent approximately fifteen years working on this project. His property is quite vast, 84 sculptures scattered along 310 acres and occupying both sides of the road.

Scattered throughout his property you will find assorted screaming heads, each one standing twenty feet tall.
For a sum of $10,000 you may have your cremated remains molded into a 20 tonne screaming head of your own.

In addition to the screaming heads there is the Midlothian Castle. The castle, a former derelict farmhouse, is guarded by a fire-breathing dragon which sits on the chimney and emits smoke whenever the fireplace is used. Gargoyles sit atop a fence surrounding the castle.

An Enchanted Forest will guide you past trees that seem to take on the shape of screaming heads. Here you will find claws that stick out of the ground and spider webs which have ensnared heads (or as Peter calls them, 'potential not enacted').

Peter has continued to add to the property. There is now the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the Primeval Forest. The Primeval Forest is comprised of eighty screaming concrete trees, roughly eighteen feet (six metres) tall, with a treed ridge and fantastic sunsets as the backdrop.

Four ponds are also on the property.

To find the Screaming Heads, it can be found just off of the Nipissing Colonization Road or accessed from highway 520 just west of Burks Falls.


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9 years ago

the person who made these and the castle is Peter_Camani, he is a retired teacher from Almaguin Highlands secondary school.


10 years ago

@fos, Yes it does, but not as scary but a lot more work, than here, well a little more anyway. Moved 40 acres of stone on his BIKE?? That's dedication and a workout.


11 years ago

This totally reminds me of the Rock Garden of Chandigarh, a site in India built by a government road inspector who, in his spare time, illegally built a secret mecca by moving stones and discarded items on his bicycle, creating a 40 acre sculpture playground on government property.


11 years ago

Yes, this place has to be experienced. So very odd and mowing 300 acres? That's the drawback there. Deer flies were ridiculous, but had to check it out, scratch, scratch.


12 years ago

As Tim says in the description, this isn't an abandoned location anymore.....but a very cool place to see. The Midlothian Castle was built out of a 19th-century derelict farmhouse.


13 years ago

Very Cool!