Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

404 in the road

Demolished House in East Gwillimbury, Ontario, Canada

Aug 29 2011

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Recent status Demolished
Location # 3127

Soon to be demolished house on the Queensville Sideroad. This is the last house before the new expansion of Highway 404, everything else in its path has already been demolished. As the construction moves ever closer, everything is being destroyed in the name of progress.
The house does not seem too old, maybe built in the 1970(a)s, judging by the style and construction materials...aluminum siding, etc. Very well boarded up and no current entry point.


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3 years ago

It is now a black new subdivision style home at this location in nearby Sharon: https://www.google.ca/maps/@44.1047454,-79.4473894,3a,75y,153.9h,93.02t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s2z9qDkTJIOsII_qujlOFSQ!2e0!5s20190701T000000!7i16384!8i8192


8 years ago

This house is the Queensville Radial Station, built somewhere around 1908 and used until the early 1930's when the Radial railroad (think streetcars) was decommissioned. The house was NOT demolished, but instead it's been moved and sits amongst development land on Mount Albert Sideroad. It's getting a facelift and will be encorporated into the new community.


11 years ago

looks like they may be moving this house; they have removed it from the foundation, and have removed the surrounding porch. roof has also been cut off and looks like it will be moved in two pieces. not sure who the moving company is, no signs to indicate anything.