Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Darlington Mushroom Farm

Abandoned Commercial in Clarington, Ontario, Canada

Aug 07 2011

 |  2746
 |  1
Recent status Abandoned
Location # 3028

The Darlington Mushroom Farm operated for many years out of these buildings. At one time, it employed a staff of as many as 20 people and was estimated to bring in an annual revenue of approximately $1,672,000. I wonder how many mushrooms are growing in there now, though not I(a)m not sure I(a)d want to eat any of them. :(

July 2014: Entry into a couple of rooms possible, nothing of interest to see. A newer Jeep parked on site and some trucks.


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1 year ago

Drive past this place all the time and haven’t gone in, but the furthest building is definitely in use. It has utility vehicles (small vans) and a gate out front, however the long repeated portion of the building is not in use. I don’t see any photos on here (correct me if I’m wrong), but some of the building has started to collapse and doesn’t look like it will last much longer.


8 years ago

I checked out this place a few years ago - really cool spot and it goes quite deep underground! I believe that one building has been converted to a workshop and the municipality is using the space to store some utility vehicles now.


9 years ago

This place has new owners, they're going to be tearing down the row of old buildings and going to make it into farming land again.


13 years ago

Nice Find.


13 years ago

what about the mushroom farm on the rd to whitevale from brock Rd?


13 years ago

I knew you would get this one eventually...