Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Latlng: (43.456392, -79.994706)

Other nearby Locations Milton

A Lone Grave

Historic Location Cemetery in Milton, Ontario, Canada

Aug 24 2023

 |  1863
 |  0
Recent status Historic Location
Location # 19995

Hazards of A Lone Grave

It's a public cemetery, a bit overgrown but you should be fine. Watch out for ghosts.

History of A Lone Grave

Thomas Hopkinson, a native of Derbyshire England, and his wife Anne bought part of Lot 4 Concession 1 in 1845. In 1864 he sold ¼ acre at the northwest corner of First Line and 3rd Sideroad to James Hirst and other trustees of the Methodist Church. All the children in the area attended Sunday School in the little church that was built. The Evangelists also held services there.

In 1911 the Canadian Pacific Railway purchased the old frame church. The May family of Lot 7 Concession 1 bought it from them and used it as a residence.

"Due to vandalism, no gravestones remain. A fence and plaque stating “Pioneer Cemetery” previously marked this site but these have also since been removed, likely to obliterate all traces of the old cemetery." -Ontario Genealogical Society 2018

The following information was submitted by Mildred Hopkinson, great-granddaughter of Thomas Hopkinson to The Ontario Genealogical Society and is recorded as possible burials in this site as of August 31st, 1999.

Thomas Hopkinson August 17, 1802—April 22, 1882

married to

Anne Hole 1799—October 19 1877 (Possibly buried in the Methodist Cemetery at Mountsberg )

Their Children: (In orginal article from Archives states they only had 4 children)

George January 5, 1825—February 8, 1902

married to

Matilda Taylor May 4, 1834–March 24, 1918

Ann December 16, 1829—1919

Emma (Amy) Mrs William Woolsey November 23, 1832—July, 1922

Mary November 3, 1835—1896

Thomas November 4, 1838-1929

John July 31, 1842—1844

Sara October 2, 1844—1923

None of these graves are visible at the site and the problem is that the only listed grave and the one that is still standing is a Frederick Haymes ...-1872. However, this information is missing from the original 1999 cemetery survey. Another interesting note is that both Bev and Neil Campbell are "buried" here in a shared headstone. Neil Campbell: 19 May 1947 - 11 April 2013 Bev Campbell: 22 May 1946 - Alive The only thing is I did not see this headstone whatsoever when I was there and I looked all over that lot for extra headstones. Maybe there was no one vandalizing the cemetery at all and it's the ghost of Frederick Haymes hiding all the headstones except his own?

Driving by and thought it was out of place, so decided to check it out and it was quite odd to find a cemetery with only one standing gravestone. Only later I discovered why.

Latlng: (43.456392, -79.994706)


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