Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places


Demolished Other in Burlington, Ontario, Canada

Jan 17 2023

 |  2734
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 19548

The Brant Park Cooperative Apartments were located at 1157-1167 North Shore Blvd. East, Burlington, Ontario Canada.

Brant Park was incorporated in 1948 by Cleaver Crawford Law Firm and was used as a low income residence for seniors in its two buildings and 3.5 storeys high.

In April of 2017 a development proposal was put forth to demolish the existing buildings and replace them with a 475-suite retirement complex. with 17 storeys, 12 and 11, plus 16 townhouses on the 1.21-hectare site.

The proposed development is considered to be a Gateway landmark where Burlington people could age in place and not have to move later, as they offer palliative care on site.


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2 years ago

Update , they are demolished !



2 years ago
