Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Sidewall Sayonara

Demolished House in Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario, Canada

Nov 17 2022

 |  101
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 19413

Son-of-a…. shit! I pulled my vehicle into this place to check the door and literally heard my tire pop. Even a nail doesn’t sound like THAT. I got out and discovered that I scraped my tire across a massive metal cistern pipe sticking up a few inches out of the ground. Broken off at the top, with a jagged metal lip, the pipe tore a gaping, four inch gash in the sidewall of my tire. The first photo in the gallery is the culprit!

Making lemonade from lemons, I used the visual of my car jacked up and spare tire leaning against the bumper for justification as to why I pulled onto the property, heading into the house midway through for a few photos. But I was ticked and didn’t give it the attention it deserved. The highlight leftover was a vintage Kodak 8mm video camera.

Check the satellite imagery: this house is one of three side-by-side houses that have all been purchased to make way for the twinning of the Garden City Skyway, beginning in 2024.



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2 years ago

Great exterior!