Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Cobble and Rust

Abandoned Barn in Burlington, Ontario, Canada

Jul 08 2022

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Recent status Abandoned
Location # 19006

Hazards of Cobble and Rust

Building materials and nails all throughout the property are very easy ways to cut yourself, so watch your step. There is a house right beside this property, from my research they do not own this portion of the property and it is separate from theirs, but they will keep an eye on it and probably wonder what you are doing. During the warmer months, insects such as ticks in the long grass that surrounds this location are a real problem along with certain undesirable plants like thistle and other sharp-leaved plants.

History of Cobble and Rust

From Google Maps Streetview the barn and house are not intact in the oldest picture from 2011, so it must have collapsed previous to this day. The address for this is 4267 Walkers Line which is owned by Paletta International Corporation which is ones of large swaths of land in Burlington and Milton many of which have old ruined or abandoned properties on it. Around 2012 the corporation put in a request to the City of Burlington to have this property taken off of the Municipal Register of Cultural Heritage Resources as it had been listed as a “B” graded property. This pretty much means that the property has cultural heritage significance but seeing as it had collapsed it was given a B rating making it not as important to protect as an A-graded property. This request went through and as of February 3, 2013, it was taken off this register meaning the property loses many protections such as development and rezoning protection. It would make sense that they would want to do this since they could develop this property however there was one more hurdle the corporation would need to overcome if they would be able to develop this property and that’s the fact that this property has NEP and is part of a natural heritage system. Niagara Escarpment Proposal is pretty much environmental protection put on certain properties that are within a certain proximity of the Escarpment, this prevents any development in this region. As receiving an amendment from the Ontario Government is rare and a big headache to achieve. They tried appealing to the Regional Municipality of Halton in November of 2011 for an amendment to this property and many others to no avail. Then again to the Government of Ontario in 2017. To which it was refused in a report from May 31, 2017. It appears they have given up on this property for now and that is why these ruins sit there slowly decaying as there is no point in spending money demolishing these buildings for the property to have no hope of being developed. The rest of the property such as the field I suspect is leased to nearby farmers to grow crops, this is speculation and unconfirmed though.

Noticed this on google earth and thought I’d check it out. Parked my car on the side of the road and walked on the edge of the famers field to get to a field of long grass with the ruins inside. Surrounded by the trees are the remnants of an old farmhouse that looks to have been long collapsed. Only one of the walls is still standing with just an empty window and wood pieces. Behind this old farmhouse are the remnants of either a silo or an old wall. Then there is the main attraction, the old barn which has nothing of note inside but looks absolutely wicked. It’s just old concrete walls left at this point and rusted windows with no glass left. The wood has been hardened by what I think are termites or the sun. Remnants of what I think are stables are still visible. There is also near a dirt road a wooden floor for what probably was a storage shed I’d imagine. From the looks of it, this was just a normal farmhouse that collapsed because of time, all the rubble and building material discarded around the property is evident of this. Pretty nice location for level 1.


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