Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Empty House- Nobleton

Demolished House in King, Ontario, Canada

Jul 03 2010

 |  947
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 1727

A small house with extreme over growth of weeds on the front lawn. The house in no longer in use and is extremely moldy due to in climate weather.


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7 years ago

It's gone baby, gone


12 years ago

was at this place on Tuesday but had no time to post it... last pic is of the basement, very tame as far as basements are concerned.


12 years ago

Strange indeed about the power. Maybe better you didn't go in the basement, as houses this open usually have moist/wet basements, and combined with the power on... who knows what kind of electrocution hazards could be waiting. Maybe someone in the house but it is amazing how human-like raccoons can sound walking around. Have scared me several times!


12 years ago

currently boarded up tight...


13 years ago

smelled* my bad.


13 years ago

Must have spelled realy bad in there, haha.


14 years ago

If I get the time, I may just check this area out.