Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

From Sky Blue To Deathtrap 14

Demolished House in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

Apr 26 2019

 |  641
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 15997

Let’s start off with the blue house (#18) which shares a driveway with location #14849. You can easily gain entry at the back. The kitchen is painted a bright yellow. The top floor has a cool room but kids have spray painted on the walls and have trashed the place. There’s no going in the basement as it’s completely flooded and contains black mold.

At the time of this explore, house #16 was VERY MUCH ACTIVE. I feel bad for them as the whole crescent is abandoned as are numerous other houses on the neighbouring streets. I guess they are holding out but I’m sure they vacate at some point as there’s a proposal to build 40 new semi-detached homes here. So if you see the power is on and a car is parked there, don’t bother.

Instead continue right next door to #14, the deathtrap house which has a cool exterior. I have taken many risks over the years but this house stopped me dead in my tracks once I opened the front door. You could literally see the place completely falling apart and rotting, it wasn’t even safe to take one step in. I did get a shot of the staircase at least. I tried my luck at the rear but the whole back porch was in ruins. I don’t understand how this house deteriorated so bad in just a few years as it last looked lived in back in 2015. So for your safety don’t even try to go inside, you can certainly peek in through the front door. There are some other structures you can check out if you want. A couple of the other houses have already been demolished and removed.


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