8 years ago
Church 10845
Centre Hastings, Ontario
Centre Hastings, Ontario
Tudor And Cashel, Ontario
Tudor And Cashel, Ontario
Bancroft, Ontario
Tweed, Ontario
Recent status | Demolished |
Location # | 15878 |
Same as part one, don't know much about this location. DDR12 did let us know in the comments on part one that this property is owned by the nursing home nearby. it's also next to an active Children's Aid office but no one in the parking lot noticed us while at the house. This is actually a duplex, with one half being most of the house and the other being a small 2 bedroom apartment. both sides of the house wreaked of cats, and with a empty cat litter box and cat toys left behind it was clear the previous owners had some smelly furry friends.
5 years ago
This duplex is now gone