Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Vacant in the Snow

Demolished House in Clarington, Ontario, Canada

Mar 01 2019

 |  891
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 15851

I've been watching this one for a few years now, always seemed like it was vacant or rarely used but recently boards went up confirming my suspicions. The house does have three security cameras set up which were not there before the boards, not sure if the cameras are active or not but use caution if you attempt this one!

No access on my visit


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5 years ago

This is one of the original Courtice family homes from the mid 1800s..it is to be torn down for more wretched subdivisions..The hill was historical known as Lilly Hill...join us at Courtice Vintage History on FB if u want to learn more