Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

25 Harris Ave Castle Mansion

Demolished Mansion in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

Jan 08 2019

 |  2378
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 15791

The reason for the title "castle mansion" is because the house resembles a castle from the circular front room and flat roof.

this is 1 of 5 stunning and gorgeous homes that will be demolished and replaced with new development.

this custom built 4000 sq ft home was built in 1986. it is one of the most unique houses i have ever seen. over 5 sets of steps, to this homes many levels. this home has a large brick fireplace and sun room, also a very nice circular front room.


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1 year ago

no longer standing


1 year ago

yes, we are aware. this location is and has been marked as demolished


5 years ago

Definitely a cool layout.