Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

O6 #6 A.K.A. Skeletal Sports

Demolished House in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Jan 28 2018

 |  903
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 15141

This is the final entry in [b]The Oshawa 6[/b]. It's a small house sitting next to a gas station, and I'm not sure I'd want to be buying a new townhouse in that particular location. Not much to see inside. Having said that, the smashed guitar was a cool find. Thanks to MotleyKiwi for the creative lighting.

One unusual thing that really took me aback was the sight of a [i]skeletal torso[/i] hanging above a ball in the backyard by the shed. Definitely not something you would run across every day. There were a few balls scattered around the yard, leading me to believe the kid(s) who lived here enjoyed their sports.

I hope you enjoyed this series. The houses here are worth checking out before they get demolished, especially The Fox Run. It's a really beautiful house, and it will be a shame to see it destroyed.


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