Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

O6 #1 A.K.A. The Fox Run

Demolished House in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Jan 23 2018

 |  777
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 15133

This once majestic house stands as a lone sentinel in the way of "[i]progress[/i]", and yet [u]more [/u]housing in Durham. It's close to a large shopping complex and sits on a busy suburban street. It, along with 5 other houses along the same stretch, is slated to be demolished, & townhouses put up in their place. I've dubbed these locations "[b]The Oshawa 6[/b]" or "[b]O6[/b]" for short. Each one is being posted on its own as I feel each home deserves to be highlighted separately.

The neighbours have vehemently petitioned to save this particular house, and after seeing it, I know why. It's a beautiful old building that was built to stand the test of time and also to provide comfort to its owners. Despite the protests, it seems that the city has decided to demolish this grand old lady & replace her with more modern housing.

We had a neighbour approach us and ask if we were developers. Thank goodness we said "No". She, along with others, is keeping an eye on the place, but invited us to take pictures when she found out we were not planning to develop the land.

The house features a large yard all the way around and is nicely shielded from the street by tall old trees. There are a couple of sheds out back...nothing spectacular there. In an attempt to deter people from entering the house, some enterprising person has actually removed the back steps, but we were able to find a way in.

This is a cool old house & it's really a shame to see it get knocked down. Get there while you can!


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6 years ago

This last standing house of the six, is now gone.


7 years ago

Nice one.


7 years ago
