Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Pining Away

Demolished House in Whitby, Ontario, Canada

Sep 27 2017

 |  582
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 14997

This nondescript house sits all by itself on a busy road in Whitby. It appears to have been abandoned for quite some time, although all the doors are well secured. The weeds and growth almost totally obscure the front door, but the back is relatively pristine. It looks like the back of this property and the one beside it are cared for to a small degree. The grass behind both houses is cut, although the house itself is in pretty rough shape.

I wasn't able to gain access on this visit, but am hoping that will change. From what I could see inside, the house itself is basically being left to slowly decay. Peeling paint & poor flooring abound. There is an interesting old newspaper box at the front of the house, & a cool broken lamp beside the driveway. The detached garage looks promising as well, but again, it was secured.

There is a property right beside it with very weathered boards all around which is [b]very [/b]exposed. This one offers [i]some [/i]protection from prying eyes, but caution is still well advised.


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7 years ago

Ah I've been eyeing this one for quite some time! Nice :)