Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

THE BLUE: Lions for Breakfast

Abandoned House in Caledon, Ontario, Canada

Sep 07 2017

 |  2321
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Recent status Abandoned
Location # 14955

Back in 1975 a film called "Lions for Breakfast" was being filmed.

The movie was about 2 orphan brothers from Toronto who meet an old drifter with a bus and a German Shepard. The old man (Jan Rubes) promises them a great new life on a 100 acre lot he came to own in the country he calls "The Blue", which represents a heavenly oasis. The three embark on a trek through Ontario in search of this property and meet a lot of interesting folks along the way. Finally at the end of the movie they find their piece of heaven on a back road..

As they make there way up the dirt lane way to the farm they come up to an abandoned farmhouse and park their bus. They get out and scope out the lot. It turns out this is their Blue. The oldest brother is very upset and takes his younger sibling, Zanny, with him as he feels he has been swindled into a lost cause. Luckily the younger brother talks him into returning to the Blue so as not to leave the old man by himself. They now call him grandpa and decide to make a go of it and fix up the old house into something livable, for as the old old man says "it only will mean something if we work for it as that's what dreams are made of". The film then ends to some stirring music.

Well after years of searching we have found The Blue. The lane way is still there, but all overgrown. The farmhouse was removed about 15 yrs ago but the barn foundations are still clear as day. The main house stood well into the 1990's despite it being abandoned some time in around the 1950s I assume. Photos of it are from the movie. To see the foundations use Bing Maps as its much clearer there.

The 1837 Melville Church is just to the south and can be seen in the film as well...Here is the movie on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfg3v9qzrAA


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5 years ago

I live on the adjacent property. I went there with my kids to explore. It looks nothing like in the movie except for the barn ruins.


5 years ago

I''m taking a trip there and will get photo''s.


7 years ago

Great find, Clay!


7 years ago

no pics of foundations as getting in there in sept is impossible...maybe u can get in there later in yr or spring..


7 years ago

Great that you finally confirmed this is the place. I remember you pointed out this spot a while back. Any current photos of the foundations?