Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Overgrown Blue House

Demolished House in Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Nov 27 2016

 |  830
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 14222

This house is quite easy to spot from the road, and there are 3 or 4 other houses around it. I would say it is a fairly old house just by the design of it , but objects in the house show that is has probably only been abandoned since around 2004... there is a lot of left over furniture and other small junk. The house itself seems to be in pretty stable condition but the smaller little shacks around the house are falling apart.


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3 years ago

This house has been demolished. Subdivision is starting.


3 years ago

I have seen this place since my Daughter lived just down the road. Kept it on my backburner list, so now with Covid, Im catching up on a bunch of locations. This house was very moist inside. The roof has sprung some leaks, and a lot of the rooms were soaked . One room upstairs actually had a puddle in the middle. Sadly, the "letter" is missing, but it looks like someone was there for the night recently. Basement has a nice horror movie vibe tho.


8 years ago

from the former hamlet of Audley