Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Abandoned Dentist Office

Demolished Commercial in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Nov 22 2015

 |  1897
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 12984

Welcome to the former offices of Dr. Wilson, dentist.

Although there is almost nothing left inside, the whole place has a [b]definite and tangible creepy feel[/b] to it, as though something very bad is hidden in it's past.

Interestingly, there is a working dehumidifier in the basement. This seems strange, given that this building has clearly been vacant for some time. In one room, large chunks of ceiling insulation have come down, and the ceiling paint is badly peeling all over the building. Overall, the building is in reasonably decent shape.


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9 years ago

Hey, did you by any chance get a look at the other white house next to this one? If so, what is its location ID id love to see the photos of the inside.