Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Pioneer Mansion

Demolished Mansion in Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Aug 08 2014

 |  2692
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 10887

Could not find any information on this house. It looks like it was just newly built , its located just outside a new subdivision. The view from this place is absolutely breath taking. A lot of vandalism, must wear proper shoes due to all the glass and nails on the ground. update** APRIL 2015 Went there recently this week to see any changes and this place is under construction and i heard rumours that it is going to be used as barrie police tactics training area. Be careful.


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9 years ago



9 years ago

im glad i got to see it when i did , its extremely vandalized now :(


9 years ago

Too bad nobody found this before the graffiti and vandalism began...


10 years ago

Good find went there yesterday but to gloomy for pics going back soon.


10 years ago

How bizarre for someone to leave this behind.


10 years ago



10 years ago

What a shame. What in the world happened here? Somebody lost out big time.


10 years ago

Great find, that's one expensive abandonment.