Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

13th St. RRX House

Demolished House in New Tecumseth, Ontario, Canada

Jun 12 2014

 |  1395
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 10551

Farmhouse on a potato field. Alliston is famous for its potatoes, hosting the annual Potato Festival every August. This old farmhouse has been abandoned for over a year, and this week a POE finally opened the door of opportunity. Interior is dark, all windows and doors have been boarded over. A small ray of sun beams in from a rotted out corner of the roof, possibly the site of a small fire damage.

I did not explore too deeply inside the house, it being completely dark and me with no flashlight. I jumped at the chance to get inside before the POE gets sealed up again, but I wasn't prepared with a light. Hopefully I can return again soon for more shots. I could also hear critters scurrying for cover when I ducked inside, but I saw nothing at all. Lots of good decay from the leaking roof.

The house sits only scant metres away from a busy railway crossing, must have been a difficult place to live.


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8 years ago

I knew the people who lived there


10 years ago

Nice one Timo! Sometimes you've got to take opportunities as they come!