Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Biohazard In Effect

Demolished House in West Lincoln, Ontario, Canada

Apr 13 2014

 |  717
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 10264

Decadent decay to the point of serious health risks. This active (and high tech) chicken farm is fronted by a two-for-the-price-of-one abandoned house that is split into two sections. The older house is the typical empty century farmhouse: lots of exposed lath, open to the elements, and is currently being used as a raccoon latrine. The newer attached house is a modern bungalow that is fully furnished and is currently being used as a raccoon nursery. The level of mold and rot in this half is out of control. It is one of those awesome places where your friends will look at your photographs and exclaim, "Aghh! You actually GO to these places?" The kitchen is a highlight, with rotting food everywhere. The stench was overpowering even though we visited when it was still below zero. Visitors here in summer humidity that do not bring masks may very well not make it out alive. Hazmat suits are highly recommended.

** Owner permission was sought and granted for this visit.


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10 years ago

Good find guys


10 years ago

Good find GS!..