Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places


Demolished Commercial in Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

Apr 13 2014

 |  1107
 |  1
Recent status Demolished
Location # 10260

Demolished June 2014

When you see the sign on the front of this building and the state of decay it is in one can only hope for a building full of hidden and forgotten treasure. However this couldn't be further from the truth. Unfortunately this place is pretty well empty and the only thing that may have been an antique other then the building itself was the radio in the third photo. Anyone deciding to explore this place should have some foot protection there was boards with nails and broken glass all over the floor, also the ceiling is falling down in the majority of the building.


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2 years ago

Wow I remember this place, I grew up in a house that was located where the Uncle Sam's bingo hall now sits, this would have been 1986-1988 I was 6-7 years old.


10 years ago

You said it about the name and expectations. Hopefully the other abandoned antique place holds more promise.