Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Altona Ghost Town in Progress


clay70 0

Altona Ghost Town in Progress - Altona-(ghost-town)20.jpg The nicest century home in the village belonged to the famed Reesors.
Photo of Altona Ghost Town in Progress taken by clay70 has 274 view(s)


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1 year ago

This was owned and occupied by (family friends and neighbour), the Jaynes family until the expropriation for the proposed airport. The Reesors farm was on the next sideline, #28, not here. I lived at the end of the long lane way on the left which led to the waterfalls and old Monkhouse farmhouse about 1/4 mile down the lane.


10 years ago

I lived in the home right beside this one in Altona. It was very similar in appearance except no wrap around porch. It did have the walk out balcony that i enjoyed sitting on and looking at the 100+