Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Abandoned places in Municipalité Régionale De Comté of Témiscamingue, QC, Canada

Promotion Elections


indeed1  •  1 month ago

Well, here I am, applying for Level 3! Time flies. Prepare for a 'I'm not reading all of that' novel! Since getting Level 2, I've started going to much better locations, and contributing what I can, where I can. I've only gotten more and more enjoyment of discovering and exploring new places to walk through and take pictures of. I like to think I've contributed a good chunk in my time as Level 2. Not that I intend to slow down or have that change in any way, but I think it goes without saying that I'm interested in climbing my way up to Level 3 so that I can see some more consistent locations and continue my journey into the hobby. In the last few months I've talked with a lot of you and gotten a much better understanding of things. I've made a good handful of friends and had some fun discussions with people. Unrelated to the site, but the Discord is always a fun time LOL. Whenever I upload my albums I try to label every image of what every room used to be / is, I share my opinion on some things in the image descriptions whenever I can, and just in general I try to be as detailed and accurate as possible in the things I write about, whether it be about a location **or** just on an image description. I like judging bathrooms :) On top of that I'm always trying to capture a lot of good, wide angle images of the places I explore so they can be viewed exactly as they are before they inevitably either decay more, or get demolished, since that's basically always what happens in this scene. I'm not incredibly artsy or creative like some of yous, but I think I defintiely do a good job of 'documenting' in a sense exactly what I see, as I see it. Also, I have no history (and no plans) of vandalism or really as far as my knowledge goes, any offences in the community. I like to keep it calm and at least semi-professional :) **Now I will point out something that may be of important value if you're taking the time to vote for me and you're only Level 2**. You'll only be able to see 12 of my 26 locations. 9 of those you'll only see exteriors. Not exactly a lot to work off of in terms of voting, so unfortunately the best I can do for yous that meet this exact criteria is list out what you can't see (and these are all in terms of my 'new locations', as in terms of actual album contributions I'm well past requirement): 1x L1 location - 1x (all) has both interior & exterior 11x L2 locations - 2x have interiors, and (unfortunately) 9x are exterior only 7x L3 locations - 5x have interiors, 2x are exterior only 7x L4 locations - 7x (all) have interiors This might be valuable information for some of you so, figure I will write it out in case you can't see it and check yourself. Most of the places I visit (at least recently) are L3/4 so if you can't see them it may not look like I have much. So, with that, I hope my current contributions are enough to be promoted to Level 3, but I'm always open to constructive criticism and am (regardless of the outcome of this election) going to continue adding new locations and new albums to the site. Unfortunately, not having the time is my biggest issue currently. Can only get a few every few weeks. Also, any questions or comments you've got for me, go ahead and put 'em in this thread and I'll respond when I can. Thanks for considering and/or reading (if you read all this)


abp10  •  1 month ago

I won't sit here and try to gaslight anybody that I've reached the full requirements. I am applying 3 weeks early. But before you downvote me, let me explain why I am applying now, rather than 3 weeks later. I'm an urbexer, based in Toronto, that has found a great passion for exploring. But overtime, this passion of exploring, has branched out into exploring abandoned places. And then that passion, has branched out into finding NEW spots to explore. To be completely honest, I don't need any spots. This is not why I am applying for level 3. Let alone exploring anything else that's not an abandoned place, even when I do run out of spots, I know how to find new ones, after countless hours and hours of mapping out the whole city. Was this worth my time? Probably not to be honest. But at least now my problem of "having no spots and having to apply for lvl 2" a few months ago, has turned into the problem of, "where do I go this time?" And this is why I'm applying for level 3. With access to level 3, I will be able to potentially see pins that I am not updated on. Rather if someone has already been there and uploaded it as an exterior, or I get to see what said building looks like on the inside, and or what hazards, I will be able to prioritize which areas I go to. The good thing with level 3, is that if lets just say one of my pins isn't on there, is that it's either a level 4 I'm refinding, or it's a new location to contribute and continue to help expand the database. And as long as I'm able to keep leveling up, I don't have a problem to keep uploading my explores. At first it was more of a task to take photos, but that task has turned into a hobby, hence why my quality of albums has improved (at least I hope you guys also think that way as well). I've had my ups and downs in this community, but going forward as a level 3, I don't want to be seen as some "immature teenager". I want to be seen as a respectable member of this community. This is something I have been working to improve on overtime, and something I want to keep striving towards. Sometimes I might say some dumb things, but I want to move past that. Obviously I find these and explore these spots with good intentions. I am not a vandal. I go in for photos, look through some items if the spot isn't empty, and then leave how it was. There would be no reason to not trust me with level 3 either, as I've already explained earlier, I don't want new spots, I just want updates. And I want updates, to help the database. Besides contributing new locations to the database, another thing I will do is the same thing I did with level 2 recently. Go through all the Toronto locations, and update them. (at least from what I can see online, or if I've passed by it, etc.) The whole point of having a database like this is to record abandoned places, but it's also nice for everyone else to be updated, rather if a spot is now demolished, now has security, all those sorts of things. If you feel like 3 weeks makes the difference, then you'll see another application in 3 weeks. Besides applying early, I meet and have surpassed the other requirements (at least the ones you can surpass). If there's another reason, I will always take criticism. Thanks for your time.

Album Comments

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