Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Doug's Photos

Abandoned Ghost Town in Timiskaming, Unorganized, West Part, Ontario

Jun 30 2010

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Doug's Photos - Hough-Lake-(ghost-town)1.jpg
The picture was taken in 1947 and shows my grandparents' cabin at Hough Lake. Grandmother and a family friend are with mother who is pregnant. My grandparents had a bedroom. My four uncles had a bedroom. Mother slept in the kitchen. They lived there from 1933 to 1943.
Doug's Photos - Hough-Lake-(ghost-town)2.jpg
This is a picture of mother holding a team of horses in front of the Cabin at Hough Lake. Mother looks to have been about fifteen or sixteen at the time; so I would guess the picture was taken in 1941 or 1942. The Cabin looks to have been a going concern at the time this picture was taken - no


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