Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Old But Gold

Abandoned Industrial in Toronto, Ontario

Oct 05 2023

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These pictures are old, taken just a few months after the warehouse burnt down. There is now a squatter in one of the storage buildings, but he doesnt seem hostile at all. Explore with caution and have fun!

Old But Gold - IMG_4317.jpeg
the main building, completely trashed
Old But Gold - IMG_4318.jpeg
the main building, looking towards the caved in ceiling
Old But Gold - IMG_4319.jpeg
the front door from the inside, barely accessible
Old But Gold - IMG_4323.jpeg
a sign that reads “Cedar Decking 5/4 x 6 x 12 for 14.95”
Old But Gold - IMG_4324.jpeg
the aftermath of the warehouse fire that happened around april 2023
Old But Gold - IMG_4320.jpeg
the main building, from the outside a few hours later.


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