Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Huron Natural Area Ruins

Abandoned Foundations in Kitchener, Ontario

Aug 29 2024

 |  712
 |  1

The ruins of a former building just off a path, located in the more Northwestern area of the park. It consists of mainly the remaining walls, remnants of toppled walls and a few rusty metal sheets lying in the dirt with a few types of bricks/blocks.

I have not been able to identify this building with certainty, although the person who originally found this location thinks that it is a barn. This may be, as the relative shape is correct, with the metal roof panels being the same as those commonly found on older barns. But besides that, there are several other things that dissuade me from being confident in this identification. The first oddity is that the foundation is not fieldstone like most barns, but concrete. Second, there are a few metal pieces inegrated into and actually a part of said concrete foundations. Due to this, I really am not sure what it is and I have had difficulty finding much, if anything about the area itself. Refer to the original poster's description for some additional information.

There are only a few obvious and simple risks about this place. The best way to get around is by balancing on the walls, which poses a risk of falling. There are also a few pieces of metal lying around. As is clear in the pictures, the ruins are very overgrown which makes it exceedingly difficult to navigate. Be warned though, as there is a plant present here which is like a smaller version of burs, which are very painful to pick off your legs especially if they get caught in any hair, the absoluely hysterical amount of mosquitos trying to suck you dry of your blood, and the many insects and spider webs all around. If you decide to go here, I would go on a snowless day in the winter, or at least when the plants and insects are out of season. Additionally, the maps of the forest are pretty bad and innacurate, with some of the paths being closed, offset, or nonexistent. Overall this was a horrendous experience though. I had less fun than when I biked to 30km out to Guelph just to have to go back when a farmer started to approach me on the property.

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The corner closest to the path.
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The main "room".
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The wall attached to the corner.
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Looking over from the main area to the other side.
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The main area from another angle..
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The outer wall opposite the other side.
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Note the way the dirt is pressed up against the wall, similar to a bank barn.
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A different angle of the smaller "room".
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The dividing wall of the two sections.
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Part of the wall sticks up in the middle there for whatever reason.
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The remains of something metal, seemingly where metal was once placed into.
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The crumbling of the largest remaining section of wall.
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A view of the back wall from the inside.
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These look like window outlines, but may not be because they are asymmetrical to the overall structure.
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The wall facing the path.


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6 months ago

Love the sort of mood of overgrown foundations and stuff like this.


6 months ago

The plants and bugs are so bad though


6 months ago

I mean, I work in the bush so I'm used to that


6 months ago

I didn't know it was here long before tho😅😅


6 months ago

I added this in the era of the previous owner and it was deleted. It was very shitty night photos and light paintings ahahahaha.