14 years ago
Sudbury, Unorganized, North Part, Ontario
Sudbury, Unorganized, North Part, Ontario
Sudbury, Unorganized, North Part, Ontario
Sables-Spanish Rivers, Ontario
Chapleau, Ontario
The state of the ghost town of Tophet in July 2024
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We have a camp in Nemegos. I have looked at the Canadian Census and Ontario Voters Lists from all available years. Most times Nemegos and Tophet are on the same page. I always wondered what was left of the community of Tophet. Thanks for posting the information & pictures.
2 weeks ago
Finally made the trip to Tophet on 31 July 2024. It was so much fun. There were 5 of us. Grandma & Grandpa, Mom & Dad and our granddaughter. We took 2 ATV's and a side x side. The swamp crossings were a little deep. Had to put our feet up on the dash of the side x side. Several times we had to cut small trees to make it through the now grown over trails. The trail ended at the railway tracks. We saw the ruins of the once small village. There were a few concrete foundations, evidence of a few wooden homes, many old vehicles left to deteriorate, an outhouse, remnants of what looked to be and old mill operation, a bicycle up in a tree and a cemetery. One of our local fellows in Nemegos told us exactly how to get there. Even with his very good directions, the trail was a hard to find at times.