Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Charred Remains

Demolished House, Farm/Cottage, Foundations in Kitchener, Ontario

Feb 25 2024

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The former Goodfellow house's charred remains. Only the oldest stone walls remained, as the front portion was completely collapsed. Security rolled up and I had to run.

Notice: It is now completely cleared away and turned into more field space, with no indication that there was ever a house and farm present.

News article: https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/fire-destroys-kitchener-farmhouse-1.6642796

Additionally, there was/is (not sure if it has conluded) some archaeological work done on the site as the general area in which it is located has been known for the presence of Indigenous artifacts. Neither do I know if anything was found.

Standing alone
Had to hop the fence surrounding it.
It was pretty cold and my hands were shaking, apologies for the bluriness.
Solid walls
These walls were built the earliest in 1860, and are ironically the strongest and most long lasting part of the whole house.
Ash galore
All of the very nice woodwork has taken on a new form.
Very open room
Again, exceedingly strong walls beside the one collapsed one.


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10 months ago

Idk what the "brick" was, as I'm sure it was Insulbrick, or layered shingles. Crazy. Didn't know it had burned.


10 months ago

In some earlier pictures it looks like the brick may have been an addition in the early 1900s, as the house is circa 1860 originally so it may have been due time for one.


10 months ago

Sorry I didn't read your message properly at first. I was not aware that it wasn't brick, and I was wondering where the "bricks" had gone.