Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Cold, Snowy February Exterior Shots

Abandoned Commercial in Kitchener, Ontario

Feb 18 2024

 |  774
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I was aware that the interior was accessible sometime in December of 2023, but by the time I checked it out in early January of 2024, it was boarded back up. I didn't take photos then, since it was dark out and I didn't see a point. I came back since I realized getting some updated photos may be nice, although unfortunately no interior shots as I couldn't get inside.

All shot on: Canon EOS R10 w/ 18-45mm Kit Lens

The door on the right was open during Dec. 2023
As you can tell, by how new and clean the board looks. Unfortunate I came too late.
Staircase to the basement area
Lots of trash. Lots of needles, too. Great.
Very clearly, a fire sat here
If it wasn't evident enough by the peeling walls/paint and black stains.
A door on the side, very lightly blocked off
Also, some sort of power box on the side that someone pried open
Interesting boarding techniques
Guess they wanted to secure the edges of the two boards that meet in the middle. I suppose it works
Garbage disposal / dumpster area (3)
Sadly, that McDonald's cup on top is definitely not old and from the old McDonald's... but hey, what do you expect?
Garbage disposal / dumpster area (3)
Who needs some bricks????


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