Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Just A Few Mediocre Shots

Under Construction Commercial in Kitchener, Ontario

May 27 2023

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As of July 2023, this building seems to be somewhat active again in terms of building or 'finishing' any type of project here.

These shots were taken back in May of 2023. Unfortunately, it was the first real 'abandoned building' I had been to, and it was quite large, and dark, and I didn't have a flash module at the time. I ended up taking mostly video, with the help of a super bright flashlight that a friend brought with him. The shots are poor, a few of the shots of the exterior are at least okay, but the main big room filled with lockers and garbage aren't pictured at all since I ended up resorting to video.

These were all shot on:
Canon Rebel T5 w/ 18-55mm Kit Lens

Exterior graffiti (1)
Some interesting graffiti choices. Much better than the usual racial slurs I see. The Pepe is quite well done and the face to the right of it is quite amusing as well. This was on the 'back' of the building.
Exterior graffiti (2)
Nothing special, just some tagger's sign.
Exterior graffiti (3)
This shot shows the nearby church, which at the time, had a truck parked it's parking lot, with someone sitting in it. No idea why it was there alone but they never bothered us.
Exterior graffiti (4)
More exterior graffiti. Here you can see one of the previous doorways that was eventually closed off. Unsure when all these other entrances were closed off.
Interior graffiti (1)
Various graffiti inside the main entryway.
No stairs!
There are 2 stairwells on both corners of the front half of the building. The way in (at the time at least) was on the far left stairwell. That being said, there are no stairs! And honestly, it doesn't look like there ever was. I don't think they got to build them before the project got abandoned.
Bricked in doorway
One of the closed off entrances, which was obviously closed off after the initial build. The reasoning for the planks jammed in there I couldn't tell you.
Interior graffiti (2)
Interior graffiti. I liked this tagger's logo. Well done, albeit it is graffiti.
Hallway immediate to the entryway
This shot is taken initially just to light the way in front of me (because I couldn't see a damn thing). It is to the right of the entryway.
Doorway straight in from the entryway
This doorway is right in front of the main entryway. Most of the doorways have rebar sticking out from the ground, and honestly I'm not really sure why. Bit of a hazard if you're not paying attention! It leads to an almost identically shaped hallway before leading to the giant open room which is mostly nothing but lockers and open space.
Another shot of the 2nd hallway
This shot of the 2nd hallway is from the center of the 'front entrance' to the building (which is entirely blocked off). We entered in through the stairwell which is all the way down to the left of the hallway this picture is taken from.
Corner of the main entryway, beside the right stairwell
Some graffiti and (???). Seems some leftover parts from the initial contruction. Not sure what those lines / pipes are for, but presumably were going to be hooked up to something.
2nd hallway
Now, in the 2nd hallway, but I bet you couldn't tell, because it's essentially identical to the first hallway minus the corner stairwells. To the right is a large drum which leads to the only way to get upstairs, but it was a risky climb as it wasn't stable at all, and it would require a physical jump, so I didn't go up at the time.
Far right of the 1st hallway
Here is another boarded up doorway, and at the end of the hall to the right is the right stairwell, which also, has no stairs.
A poorly focused message
Unfortunately this image isn't focused literally at all. Anyway, this is the only way up to the 2nd level (at the time). Would require you to stand on something that went up to the height of just about right under the frame of this picture, then you'd have to jump and grab onto the ledge.


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