5 years ago
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
As of July 2023, this building seems to be somewhat active again in terms of building or 'finishing' any type of project here.
These shots were taken back in May of 2023. Unfortunately, it was the first real 'abandoned building' I had been to, and it was quite large, and dark, and I didn't have a flash module at the time. I ended up taking mostly video, with the help of a super bright flashlight that a friend brought with him. The shots are poor, a few of the shots of the exterior are at least okay, but the main big room filled with lockers and garbage aren't pictured at all since I ended up resorting to video.
These were all shot on:
Canon Rebel T5 w/ 18-55mm Kit Lens