11 years ago
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Recently got a new flash module for my camera, and wanted to go at night to give it a test and figure out how to use it. Most of the photos are of the rooms on the upper 2 levels (since I obviously can't use a single flash to light up the entire ground floor which is huge and totally open). Apologies if any photos are not fully / properly focused or level. All the pictures I took were in (almost) complete darkness, so I had to start with a 'general' focus and take all fairly wide shots without a specific focus as to make sure my pictures turned out at least half decent.
I can't help but type a lot so feel free to go into each image to see it in full-res and see my little writeup of each image.
All photos are shot on / with:
Canon EOS R10 w/ Godox TT685II-C flash
1 year ago
i was here about a month ago, when we went into the room with the motorcycles there were coals still red hot and the whole place smelt like burnt rubber. The bikes were still hot and we heard people yelling on the top floor so we decided to gtfo😭 def strange tho