Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Nighttime Visit With A Strange Surprise

Abandoned Industrial, Commercial in Kitchener, Ontario

Jan 04 2024

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Recently got a new flash module for my camera, and wanted to go at night to give it a test and figure out how to use it. Most of the photos are of the rooms on the upper 2 levels (since I obviously can't use a single flash to light up the entire ground floor which is huge and totally open). Apologies if any photos are not fully / properly focused or level. All the pictures I took were in (almost) complete darkness, so I had to start with a 'general' focus and take all fairly wide shots without a specific focus as to make sure my pictures turned out at least half decent.

I can't help but type a lot so feel free to go into each image to see it in full-res and see my little writeup of each image.

All photos are shot on / with:
Canon EOS R10 w/ Godox TT685II-C flash

A burnt up motorcycle
One of the strangest finds. On the first floor, near the back staircase (the only that only leads to the 2nd floor and does not go all the way up to the roof), there is what appears to be some sort of locker room / bathroom that smelled absolutely horrible. We found out why! In that room to the left, is 2 motorcycles. One of them is mostly all there (albeit entirely burnt up), the other one is missing the back wheel and I think a bunch more. The walls in that room are black all the way up to the ceiling and it is evident there was a large fire in there. Since it is such a small room, and the fact that they're motorcycles, this clearly was not done by a squatter to keep warm. Makes me wonder if they were stolen or what other reason there is to have tried to burn them in an abandoned building and left there.
A(nother) burnt up motorcycle
The other motorcycle sitting just to the left of the other one (you can see the wheel of the motorcycle from image #1 on the right side of this image). Again.... why?
Graffiti up to the ceiling (#1)
Top floor, where the roof access is. Fairly fresh footprints in the snow on the actual roof itself, though nobody was there when we went. First time I came here about a year ago, this entire top floor was entirely flooded and this end of the room was not very accessible.
Graffiti up to the ceiling (#2)
Same area as the previous (3rd) image, almost same shot, just slightly more to the left to see some items that appears to mostly be garbage but could have some squatters' items. We did not disturb the items.
Charred wood & frozen floors
Still the very top floor, however the opposite end of the room compared to the previous 2 shots. One of those tall vats stood here at one point as far as I'm aware, but suffered some fire damage by the looks of it, as the wood it would've stood on looks completely charred. Large hole in the wall too for easiest and most common rooftop access.
A destroyed ceiling
2nd floor, in which most rooms are entirely empty, but this one in particular seems to have a lot of damage with various beams and light fixtures hanging very low or entirely broken off the ceiling. Lots of 'clever' graffiti such as 'Covid420' and 'I Am The Walrus'... did not expect to see a Beatles reference in an area vandalized likely by teens.
Some form of control panel
2nd floor, the room right beside the one in the previous image (image #6). Some type of control panel of sorts I believe. No idea what it used to be, but looks pretty much gutted. Mainly took this picture to try and attempt to learn how to properly focus / take images in such darkness. Thought it turned out okay for not being able to see.
Old squatter's bedroom
The rest of the room from the previous image #7. That red flannel shirt has been here for over a year, in the same spot. I believe based on what looks like a makeshift bed and an (ash?) pile, this was once a squatter's bedroom.
Walkway shot
2nd floor, again playing with focal points in darkness. On the left side of the hallway are 3 rooms. The closest room is not pictured, the 2nd is images #7&8, and the 3rd room which is hardly visible in this image is shown in image #6.
An almost entirely gutted bathroom
The bathroom on the 2nd floor. Only 1 stall remains, but I'm not sure if there was ever more. The back corner is simply a dead end, not sure what once sat there, maybe some type of water tank? No toilet left in the stall, and only 1 small sink in the bathroom (not pictured, but immediately to the right of me is where it sits).


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1 year ago

i was here about a month ago, when we went into the room with the motorcycles there were coals still red hot and the whole place smelt like burnt rubber. The bikes were still hot and we heard people yelling on the top floor so we decided to gtfo😭 def strange tho


1 year ago

Yeahhhh I just don't understand why LOL, probably best bet to have just left lol. Odd to say the least but who the hell knows with a place like that