Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

October 2020

Being Demolished Educational in Ottawa, Ontario

Oct 31 2020

 |  1921
 |  0

Second and unfortunately last visit before demolition began. Took more exterior images this time around, and back to some places I missed.

Lonely ball
This deflated basketball sat forgotten in the same field of the decomposing building. I found an interesting moment to combine the two objects in this image.
Wall facing field.
A poor attempt to hide the windows is done by the branches of these bushes and trees.
Mounted above the center window is this school's humble number.
Overtaken by nature
Side of the building overgrown with trees.
Loitering on school proprety after 6pm or outside regular school hours is phobitied under the trespass to property act and will be enforced. Luckily for us, it was long before 6pm.
Was a treat to find, and great help to help discern the uses of the learning spaces..
Falling roof of the main classroom.
Moss decorates the carpet under the shingles and ceiling tiles.


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