Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

And It Continued To Plummet... (MAY 2022)

Demolished House in Cambridge, Ontario

May 18 2022

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This place is much worse. But as said in some photo description, “At least it still has walls”. For all I know it has none now.

And It Continued To Plummet... (MAY 2022) - IMG_5867.JPG
Left front.
And It Continued To Plummet... (MAY 2022) - IMG_5864.JPG
Facade all grown in. Now the interior reflects the beat upness of the exterior.
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From The City Of Cambridge. On the front door.
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Right side.
And It Continued To Plummet... (MAY 2022) - IMG_5862.JPG
Roof of the rear addition. It succumbed to fire I think. But before I ever even got here the first time.
And It Continued To Plummet... (MAY 2022) - IMG_5860.JPG
*no description*
And It Continued To Plummet... (MAY 2022) - IMG_5805.JPG
The second floor and I work my way down.
And It Continued To Plummet... (MAY 2022) - IMG_5806.JPG
Right wall. It faces the back of the house.
And It Continued To Plummet... (MAY 2022) - IMG_5858.JPG
From the next room twords the stairs to the room I started.
And It Continued To Plummet... (MAY 2022) - IMG_5807.JPG
And facing the front, and the main hall of the second floor.
And It Continued To Plummet... (MAY 2022) - IMG_5818.JPG
Doorframe of the last shot.
And It Continued To Plummet... (MAY 2022) - IMG_5808.JPG
To the left side of the house and the 2 remaining bedrooms. Total difference.
And It Continued To Plummet... (MAY 2022) - IMG_5811.JPG
Right side door.
And It Continued To Plummet... (MAY 2022) - IMG_5812.JPG
Water damage.
And It Continued To Plummet... (MAY 2022) - IMG_5813.JPG
Peeling paint of the water and temperature damaged closet door.


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