13 years ago
West Montrose Covered Bridge
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
So there I was. Walking down King St with a XL DD from the Tim Hortons up the road. It was a cold day. The snow was deep. The wind bit when it blew. And before I knew it I was there. I am not wanting to trek thru the snow, but lo and behold it looks like it will be easier than even MotleyKiwi told me. The snow, is pushed out of the way of the swing path of the front door. I look to both sides of King St, and its busy AF. Nothing left to do but try to pop thru the door, and I do. EXCEPT, I am not alone.
I freeze. And the man loading the fireplace into his bike trailer freezes too. ENTER THE UNKNOWN.
I immediatly hug the wall by the window hoping that Im not seen thru the windows. I squeak out a "You good man?" as I am shitting my pants.
"Yeah, Im good. You?" Really dodged a bullet there. He was an alright dude. He left shortly after I came in (within 15 minutes) and I then bagan to shoot the house and former Vape Shop. There are 2 staircases. You can go in the basement at the front, come out at the rear. I stopped at the rear staircase.......because I smell.....Candles. But when they are put out. And its fresh. Have a smoke and a smoke and listen to see if Ill surprise anyone else and hear nothing. FF to the basement and I line the first shot up and there is a BRIGHT orange glow in the back room. I cant see it with my eye, but the lens does. I make it back, and there is 3 tealights stacked on top of each other, burning the wick as all the wax was gone. No one attending. I used the light for my shots, then felt like fire prevention personnel as I blew them out.
It would have sucked to have it burn MotleyKiwi told me, and I agree.
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1 year ago
What this demolished ?