Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

33 Mill St (Red Brick)

Demolished Mansion in Kitchener, Ontario

Jan 07 2022

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The house next to this was one of those one floor (plus basement) houses and it too, was a yellow brick house. This was essentially a ''bonus house'' for a lack of a better description. It is very possible that it and the main two mansions I went at on this day are now secured. I will assume that the original windows were salvaged from this (I estimate) 20s-40s house and then the interior was ''secured'' with the errrrr, interior doors + trim combo. It was virtually M-T except for the WICKED dresser that was left behind. But the method of securing the house via doors and whatnot…It made for some VERY INTERESTING shadows.

33 Mill St (Red Brick) - IMG_0731.JPG
Not bad sized, but no yellow brick mansion either.
33 Mill St (Red Brick) - IMG_0732.JPG
Left side, and I look at the boars and think how nice the ''tri-window'' would have been.
33 Mill St (Red Brick) - IMG_0701.JPG
Rear. Not much space if any to get a decent shot of the right side. Meh.
33 Mill St (Red Brick) - IMG_0702.JPG
And I start in the basement.
33 Mill St (Red Brick) - IMG_0703.JPG
Many possessions that were left behind to be demolished.
33 Mill St (Red Brick) - IMG_0704.JPG
3rd room in.
33 Mill St (Red Brick) - IMG_0705.JPG
Stairs were in the third room. This must have been dug out or something. I hadnt noticed the brick wall really before.
33 Mill St (Red Brick) - IMG_0706.JPG
Im not quite sure. The cuts to fit the vent in, are atrocious.
33 Mill St (Red Brick) - IMG_0707.JPG
Main floor now. The first showing of the odd shadows. But it gets stranger yet.
33 Mill St (Red Brick) - IMG_0708.JPG
A bedroom. That is the inside of the ''tri-window''. Mirrored closet doors.
33 Mill St (Red Brick) - IMG_0709.JPG
A kitchen. Left side door to exterior.
33 Mill St (Red Brick) - IMG_0711.JPG
Note that they secured this one, with CUPBOARD DOORS.
33 Mill St (Red Brick) - IMG_0712.JPG
Main floor washroom.
33 Mill St (Red Brick) - IMG_0714.JPG
Dining room again. Basement is the dark left and to the front door is the right.
33 Mill St (Red Brick) - IMG_0715.JPG
Front hallway.


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