8 years ago
Cramahe, Ontario
Alnwick/Haldimand, Ontario
Trent Hills, Ontario
Trent Hills, Ontario
Port Hope, Ontario
Explored the factory with the same buddy from the abandoned motel, before the snow hit. Not a lot to see here, as there’s only really two other small buildings besides the concrete factory itself. I really wish I had found a way into the command center I’m seeing on other albums.
Security cameras were off at the time of the visit. I think they’re deactivated? They were pretty rusted, but they are there, just as a heads up. One below the factory ramp, one leading up the stairs to what I presume is the command center door, and one right above the incidents sign. That’s all the ones we spotted.
I’m surprised nobody caught us climbing the tower. One guy in a white pickup truck honked at us and waved in greeting as he drove by. Made my day.