Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Inside The Outbuildings

Demolished in Cambridge, Ontario

Sep 08 2021

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Inside The Outbuildings - IMG_6080.JPG
First Building.
Inside The Outbuildings - IMG_6082.JPG
Yah, far less complete and active than I had expected.
Inside The Outbuildings - IMG_6086.JPG
Front "door".
Inside The Outbuildings - IMG_6088.JPG
An old attachment or piece of farm equipment.
Inside The Outbuildings - IMG_6091.JPG
Tower in the back.
Inside The Outbuildings - IMG_6094.JPG
It all leads back to zee Germans.
Inside The Outbuildings - IMG_6096.JPG
Inside The Outbuildings - IMG_6097.JPG
OLDE style wheel.
Inside The Outbuildings - IMG_6098.JPG
The next shot shows how this is peeling away.
Inside The Outbuildings - IMG_6100.JPG
Remove the trees and it collapses I wager.


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6 months ago

@ishootthings Have you been by this location recently?


6 months ago

its been "gone" for......at least a year. Collapsed then apparently ''demolished'' around three weeks ago, according to comments on the location itself. I havent been past it in tiiiiime (since I commented about collapse).