Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Howell's Hollow Nov 2020

Unknown Ghost Town in Pickering, Ontario

Jan 03 2021

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Howell's Hollow Nov 2020 - PXL_20201128_202420255(1).jpg
I came here a couple times in November 2020, saw this on the second time. If you know where the wheel for this farm equipment is please email pleasereturnmywheel@gmail.com! I'm not affiliated with whoever wrote this (I'm assuming Pickering Museum) but it would be cool if things weren't vandalised.
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The ground on the other side of this wall (north side) is approximately a metre taller than the ground on the south side, pictured. Thought it was pretty cool.
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Inside a wall on the barn
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birds' nest in the barn
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Wall and door frame as viewed from inside the barn.
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Inscription on the cairn
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Cairn on the way to the barn and wall
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We crossed two of these bridges, it's literally five logs tied together with a strap. Relatively stable, the heaviest of us weighs 160 lbs, but I might be careful if things are wet and banks aren't stable. Even if something goes wrong, though, it's a short drop into a shallow slow moving creek.
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Abandoned farm equipment (missing a wheel!)
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Abandoned farm equipment to the northeast of the wall and barn, a little off the path. Watch for ticks.


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