Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Howell's Hollow 2019

Unknown Ghost Town in Pickering, Ontario

May 16 2019

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Howell's Hollow 2019 - Howells-Hollow-(ghost-town)22.jpg
Henry Howell's Cattle Barn and Foundation
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Cattle Barn Roof from inside
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The view from the front door going into the Cattle Barn, You can see some old tools and parts scattered in the building
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A Tree Growing through the building
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Much Larger now than pictures taken years prior
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In the middle between the barn foundation and cattle barn looks like a smaller structure used to be there
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The Barn Foundation now, with some tags, markings and graffiti on it
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The Cattle Barn from the right side
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Cattle Barn :)
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Cattle Barn from the left side


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