Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

"McCormick House"

Unknown Ghost Town in Kawartha Lakes, Ontario

Nov 20 2020

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"McCormick House" - IMG_4668.JPG
Rolaids and Brylcreem ("for smart hair grooming"). Both jars still had some in it.
"McCormick House" - IMG_4666.JPG
Apple Cider
"McCormick House" - IMG_4636.JPG
"Tonic for the family". It was an appetite booster. It was still half full. Expiry date on it was December 1971!
"McCormick House" - IMG_4617.JPG
Calendar found left on May 1981
"McCormick House" - IMG_4613.JPG
The floor wasn't sturdy enough for us to get into the basement
"McCormick House" - IMG_4608.JPG
One half of the house looked like it had a meteor go through it... however the other half was still intact.


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