Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Tiny Butt Titillating

Demolished House in Cambridge, Ontario

Aug 21 2020

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Tiny Butt Titillating - IMG_3871ABF.jpg
"Front" of the house. Google also tells me its on Coronation. But I cant recall seeing a number anywhere. This facade also ISNT visible from the road. Maybe the winter.
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The Garage FT Garage door designs and paint colors you would have a hard time getting in tandem in 2020.
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I wasnt feeling trying too hard to get in here as I wasnt tired from getting a ride halfway here and saving energy but i was a but tired. It was hot mannn.
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Side 1.
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That different color part is the part that appears to have been replaced many years back. Odd things happen at these "abandoned" properties. Im tellin ya.
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One of the first things that drew my attention. Grown in. Always an eye catcher. The lawn gets mowed tho.
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Living room.
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Dining room.
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Far side of living room twords what I have deduced to be the front door. I think the driveway leads to the back door.
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Its kinda backwards.
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To de basemint.
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The "front" door on the right. Shot from just outside the kitchen.
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These stairs in this place were a challenge to shoot for some reason. I just took a TON of shots to get it right.
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